Nebulosa al Latte

Prints, other things and stuff

Who's Behind?

Momo. Freelance/Hobbyst Comic Artist based in Italy.

Currently owning just some prints, depending on how this lil shop goes I can consider doing something more. If you'd like to actually make requests for merch I can take them into consideration.

For any questions or additional information about the products please contact me at

Shipping Info

Taxes (IVA) are already calculated at the checkout, if they're high it's because I live in Italy, sorry this is no Switzerland.

FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: I'm not responsible for any customs duties of VAT fees you may incur upon the package arrival in your country.

I can only track the products until they reach the main exchange centre of the courier, the delivery time is as stated by the courier itself so if there are delays you should understand I have no say in it (otherwise I would have actually delivered it myself in time let's be clear, sadly I cannot).

I will work out whatever issue arises obviously, so let be assured.

Consider all the above before purchasing anything. In general make always sure to consider any purchase- we truly live in a consumeristic world, still sometimes it's just us being blinded by useless things that serve no purpose aside being unrecyclable waste.

(That is why I always say I'm no good as a seller, geez I learnt nothing watching the Wolf of Wall Street, I'm sorry DiCaprio)